Developmental delay is when a child does not reach his/her developmental milestones by a time or age that is expected. Developmental milestones are tasks most children learn or develop that commonly appear in certain age ranges. For example, head control, rolling, crawling, walking and talking.
Child development refers to the process of development and the achievement of certain developmental milestones. Abnormal delays in development, preventing a child from reaching these milestones refers to developmental delay. These may affect a child’s motor, speech and language and social skills. A child that has delay in all these areas is said to have global developmental delay.
Child milestones develop in an ordered fashion over time.Children develop at different rates and have different strengths and weaknesses which means that a diagnosis of developmental delay is often difficult unless a child’s development is substantially below their expected level.
Physiotherapy treatment will improve motor developmental milestones such as rolling, sitting, crawling and walking and physical development such as balance, coordination and mobility. Physiotherapy will also promote correct positioning, and provide fun and stimulating exercises to gain postural stability and coordination. Physiotherapy will also aim to increase physical development by helping children achieve their milestones as soon as possible.